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Premiumeintrag cannabisseed
The Difference in Sativa Cannabis & Indica Cannabis: CannabisSeed.Pro

Sativa Cannabis Seed Pro: Sativa species thrives mainly in regions such as Thailand, Cambodia, Jamaica or Mexico. It has bright leaves and large flowers and generally grows higher and narrower than the Indica plant. The flowering period of sativa is longer and is between nine and twelve weeks. Sativa creates a noticeable high and an energetic, inspiring state. Cannabis Sativa can also be attention-grabbing and focusing. Anxiety and stressful situations are also reduced.

Indica Cannabis Seed Pro: Indica species are native to East Asia, India, Nepal, Tibet, Pakistan and Afghanistan. They are dark green and slightly shorter and more compact than the sativa plants. The Indica flowers have a distinctive fragrance and an extraordinary amount of resin. The flowering period of indica is only six to nine weeks. Due to the low growth height, it is perfect for indoor cultivation.

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